Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Road to the Ocean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Road to the oceanic - Essay ExampleYoure too young to mystify, her mammy verbalize. The road is non for kids, I mean, teens, her tonic added. When Leahs face fell and her eyes moistened, her mother came toward her, only to be met by the hands collide with hand gesture. In other words, the gesture said Talk to the hand that would neer hold you again for a million years. Leah felt betrayed. She expected her father to back her up, to say yes to her favorite and only daughter. She knew her mom would say no. Mothers created the word paranoia. entirely fathers, no, fathers were supposed to be a sens cooler, a lot more trusting. She knew that her father would knock on her door and explain himself. She wishinged to turn him away. But she never could. Her father was a military official and when he was there, she knew how precious time was. When Lt. Col. James Madison knocked on his daughters door, Leah said You know its open. She could imagine him sighing. His bulky frame covere d the substantial door. He was massive and scary-looking. But for Leah, he was only her father. Her Daddy. He was the best father in the whole world, up until that moment when he betrayed her and did not let her drive. It was not even his car. And that thought made her angrier. She did not want to turn to him. She wanted him to see her straight and angry back, as she read her book, which she was not reading. But again, she failed. She glanced at him and there he was, 200 pounds of lean flesh, looking like a torn puppy. She imagined him howl and she understood why her mother loved him so much. He was the biggest and most tender man ever. He loved them so fiercely. He would kill anyone who would deliberately hurt his wife and daughter. Sorry Leah. I mean. I am not sorry, because I know what the streets are nowadays. I am just sorry I hurt your feelings and trust in me. One dayOh, you know what I mean. No, I dont. Im a year shy of sixteen. Whats wrong with driving? I mean, learning to drive? Its not like Ill go off and have some random excite with any guy I meet at a club and keep up pregnant because of a stupid one-night stand. You know I trust you. Its the world you dont trust. I get it. But I dont get it. Just please leave me alone. I want to go to another place, while staying here in my room. Oh, Leah. Okay, good night sweetie. He waited. soundly night. Good night Daddy. And she stood up to kiss him at the cheek. She had to tip toe to do it. She embraced him quickly. So much for her contumacious daughter act. She just could not stand being angry with her dad. Sunday, the next morning, Dad and ma left wing Leah to Aunt Millie. They had second thoughts, because Millie was not exactly a very responsible adult. At the age of 31, she was quiet down single and a party bug. But no one else was available, and Dad wanted to bring Mom somewhere special, because he was leaving for an overseas mission in a few days. They wanted to hold their wedding anniversar y in advance. They left with creases on their foreheads. Before their SUV drove away, they both made the feature of the cross, praying that Millie would miraculously be an adult for just twelve hours of her life. Leah did not feel excited. She used to enjoy Millies companionship. But she was now sore and bitter, or more like sore from being bitter. Millie asked her what she wanted to do, and she said nothing. Millie promised her that they could do anything she wanted. Leah said she wanted to learn to

Monday, April 29, 2019

Autobiography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Autobiography - Assignment ExampleI have a younger brother and we two lived to issue forthher with our parents until I decided to rise up to the United Sates for higher studies My parents always encouraged me and my brother to divvy up and care for each other. Although we did not get everything that we wanted, deep down in my heart, I know that they honor me and will always be there for me. My life was largely untouched by the pressures of living in a communist society. I have had an interest in academics and sports right from my childhood and therefore I was fully immersed in these activities. I consider myself to be fairly outgoing and enjoy spending epoch with friends and family. I have many friends back in China and I am still in touch with them through mail and phone. However, I am excited about the opportunity I got to come and study in the United States. I had always wanted to come to the United States and explore the opportunities that this awkward has to offer. In this paper, I will analyze my life experiences in the light of the eight stages of social skills emergence as demonstrated in Erik Eriksons theory of psychosocial development. Erikson stated that each of these stages is characterized by specific developmental milestones that act like a defining moment that guides the development of an individual (Cherry). Eriksons Stages of Social Skills maturement 1. Trust vs. surmise (Occurs from birth to age two) Santrock defines this stage as a phase when, children develop a sense of self-assertion when caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection. A lack of this will lead to mis combine (2009). I--------X-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Trust Mistrust I have heard from my mother that one quantify, when she was away in another city on official work, my father was at home, preparing for an important meeting which was to be held that afternoon. I was an infant at that time and was exploring things in the front room when I accidently dropped a hot cup of coffee on myself. unconstipated though we had a baby sitter at home, my father cancelled his meeting and chose to be with me that day. I have also heard from my mother that she nursed me till I was two years disused because she wanted me to be healthy and strong. I believe that it is my parents support during my early years of life that has helped me to earn confidence and not feel threatened by my surroundings. Hence, I have placed myself closer to trust on the scale. Had I not been given this support and care, I would not have learned to trust my parents and my surroundings. 2. liberty vs. Shame and Doubt (Occurs between the ages of two and three) Santrock defines this stage as a phase when, children use up to develop a sense of independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure and punishment results in feelings of shame and doubt (2009). I-------X-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------I Autonomy Shame and Doubt I do not remember much about this phase in my life. However, recollecting past conversations with my parents, I know that I was a very active child while increase up and wanted to eat food and drink milk without anybodys assistance. My parents would place me on a high chair next to the table and keep the food in front of me. I would not allow any body to help me and would insist on eating it on my own, even if it would get messy. I have also hea

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Nutrition Article Review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nutrition bind Review - Research Paper ExampleThose proteins that be involved in the facilitation of biochemical reactions are enzymes and they are referred to as catalysts because they help in speeding up reactions. Examples of such enzymes include pepsin and lactase. While pepsin is a digestive enzyme and helps in the breakdown of protein, lactase breaks down lactose found in the milk. Messenger proteins that help in he coordination of bodily functions are known as hormones. Examples of hormones are oxytocin, insulin and somatotropin. While insulin regulates the metabolism of glucose and controls the concentration of glucose in the blood, oxytocin causes contraction of the uterus in women during childbirth. On the other hand, somatotropin stimulates the production of protein in the brawniness cells. Storage proteins are those which store aminoacids and examples of those are casein and ovalbumin. Transport proteins carry molecules from one place to some other and examples of the se are cytochromes and hemoglobin. Thus, this article provides an overview of the functions of proteins in our body. The presentation of this article is clear and easy understandable. Reference Bailey, R. (2010). Ptrotein Function. About.com. Biology. Retrieved on nineteenth February, 2010 from http//biology.about.com/od/molecularbiology/a/aa101904a.htm

Saturday, April 27, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Human Resource Management - Essay casefulIn order to delve further, it is important to establish IHRM and its functions in todays multi-national companies (MNCs)....the International shaping will be called on to operate across a wide variety of competitive environments and further somehow balance these diverse social, political and economic contexts with the requirements of the original home context. (Dowling et al, 2008, pg25)IHRM is a relatively late(a) addition to the field of human resources, developed mainly because of the rapid pace at which businesses are getting internationalized as a result of sphericalization (Scullion, 2001). Even though IHRMs operations are found on the same four parameters of domestic HRM mentioned above, it is much more complex as it deals with sensitive cross-cultural issues and calls for proper education of the local behaviour in terms of culture, values, business practices, and employment laws of the host state of a subsidiary of an MNC (Torbiorn, 1997). Hence IHRM can be defined as, the HRM issues and problems arising from the internationalization of business, and the HRM strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in answer to the internationalization of business (Scullion, 1995 cited in Scullion and Linehan, 2005, pg4).The four parameters of HRM are then extended into three main issues for IHRM, namely, the perplexity and development of expatriates the internationalisation of management throughout the organisation and, creating a new corporate culture that would chew over on internationalising the whole organisation, by focusing on increasing the international experience of staff, to be commensurate to effectively counter the frequency of cross-cultural interactions as a result of investing abroad (Hendry, 1994). As a result, IHRM covers a much wider spectrum of worldwide management of people (Dowling et al, 1999, 2008), and is concerned with how MNCs manage their geographically dispersed w orkforce by being able to dispose their resources to obtain and maintain local and global competitive advantage (Schuler et al, 2002, single quotes mine).

Friday, April 26, 2019

Explain the development of the US Airline Industry and what role did Essay

rationalize the development of the US Airline Industry and what role did the governance play from 1910-1950 - Essay ExampleIt was the domain of a functions first commercial flight which travelled from St. Petersburg to Tampa Bay. The earliest initiative to promote the US air lane industry was the formation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1915(NACA). This body was funded by the government to research into aircraft design and it was able to create the first supersonic aircraft. NACA was later integrated with NASA. With high run aircrafts, airplanes began to be seen as an alternative to trains and roads. The major reason behind the evolution of this industry was the United States postal Service. The USPS used army services during the early 1920 but since the army was involved in the World War, it could non render much time to the postal service (US Air). In 1925, government passed the Air mail do work which allowed the private airlines to carry postal mails. The government took this step because it believed that it would promote the airline industry in the dry land and also provide economical support to the country (Harry, 2004). This served as a great initiative and the topic of flights rose to a considerably large level. The private airlines expanded under this act and soon a large number of airlines were operating which not only for delivered postal mails but also offered passenger services. however with the increased number of flights and no monitoring and regulatory body, the accidents were very common.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistics - Essay ExampleElse, it will have to have an mistake of (+ or -) $10 with a reduced confidence aim of only 67%. This shows that the estimate that could be obtained within the existing budget is not be sufficient to prepare accurate revenue forecasts. For fairly accurate revenue forecasts, accuracy in the survey of $10 error and a confidence train of 95% can be considered as adequate. For this, a minimum of 9,600 cardholders would have to be sampled. Therefore it is recommended to adjoin the budget to $48,000 that would give the above confidence level and error. If this is not feasible, refer to the below table which lists tout ensemble other possible ways forward.The next best alternative would be to upgrade the budget by $5,000 and gain a survey result with an error of (+ or -) $15 and a confidence level of 90%.If the confidence level expected is 98%, 98% of the distribution must lie between Z=2.3263 and Z=+ 2.3263 of the standard normal curve. (From the table Perce ntage points of the normal distribution. for p = 0.01, z=2.3263) p=

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Moderen addictions, especially develop the potential dangerous of Essay

Moderen addictions, especially split the potential dangerous of video and mesh games - Essay Examplequestion also remains whether in that respect ar similarities between traditional and modern addictions to gain such acceptance as a put out by mental health community. It is found that both traditional addiction and modern addictions like internet addiction has four main factors withdrawal, excessive phthisis, negative repercussions and tolerance (Dillon, E. 2008).Substances such as alcohol, doses and tobacco be detestationd by people for a number of complicated reasons and it is evident that our society has to pay a significant cost for these addictions. The extent of addiction is visible in the emergency departments of hospitals and rehabilitation centers that treat ask health damage caused by marrow squash abuse and the related physical trauma. Another negative endpoint of substance abuse is drug dependence and associated crime that end up a number of individuals in pri sons and jails. Though the use of drugs like cocaine has decreased, the use of club drugs and heroin has considerably increased among drug abusers.The task of preventing substance abuse and imparting an effective treatment has remained a difficult process. Various researches has resulted in a better understanding of substance abuse behavior and reveals that drug education to prevent abuse among adolescents and children provides the best opportunity to curb the addiction nationally.A National Household Survey in 1996 estimated the use of illicit drug users in the United States at 13 million. The survey concluded that around 10 percent Americans abuse substances or is addicted to alcohol while 25 percent of the population smokes cigarettes.The substances that are abused produce different types of intoxication in a person that alters perception, judgment, physical control or attention. Many substances can result in withdrawal caused by the reduction in the quantity of the substance or cessation of substance use. The symptoms of withdrawal are hallucinations and ranges from slight anxiety to seizures. The

Sociology Character Analysis of Sex and the City Term Paper

Sociology Character Analysis of Sex and the City - call Paper ExampleShe is known for her distinct fashion sense particularly in footwear which is marked in season four where she is invited to be a part of a New York fashion salute. She remain in an apartment and works on her PowerBook where she writes newspaper articles discussing the different aspects of a relationship. In subsequent seasons of the show, she comes up with a collection of her essays as a book and commences taking assignments from Vogue which is a New York Magazine. The show portrays her as a home-person, proud of her one-bedroom in a rent-disciplined apartment which is in an Upper East office brownstone. Though she has always been in long-term relationships with her boyfriends, she is entangled with a character called Mr. Big, played by Chris Noth who deciphers a complicated and multi-faceted on an off relationship.Carrie Bradshaw seems like a sexually liberated woman and a glamourous exemplar of modern femini nity. She is a wonderful sex columnist who does not need men for some(prenominal) sort of support or stability in life as she has a strong baffle with the rest of the pals she lives with. She has encouraged females across the knowledge base to have a bold ownership on their femininity. Although, a raunchy dude-like talk is a part of Carries accent which is associated with her male player counterparts, she never fails to witness a soft, feminine side of her personality when her heart was broken. Feminism Feminism may be construed in galore(postnominal) ways to many people. It refers to the theory of unjustly inequality to men because of the social meaning of their bodies (Faulconer). As a result, feminism can be referred to as the system of thought or a movement which incorporates a variety of views on the nature of women as they believe in a pluralistic vision of the world which equally regards importance to the experiences of women of all races and classes (Richards, 1992). Car rie is a successful woman, and she considers identity on the top as the ontogenesis of a sense of self is an important aspect if one needs to concept his values, abilities and hopes for the future (Arnett, 2001, p. 370). beingness a media person, she has successfully witnessed the tool kits of possibilities for most of the dimensions such as work, love and idiosyncrasies. She, being an independent person, never preferred anybody else to take hold of her life. This is evident from an episode of Season four of the Sex and the City series, when the girls meet up for dejeuner in order to catch up and Carrie reveals that she and Aidan have exchanged keys to each others apartments. When she comes back home she discovers Aidan training in her kitchen which was never used before. Furthermore, her computer was crashed and the access of several files was denied. She was chastised by Aidan for not backing up her material. Though, they go to a computer repairing shop so in order to get her s ystem repaired, the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Psychology - Personality Test Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychology - Personality Test - Essay workoutSince this type belongs to the three traits expected from an effective occupyer (conscientiousness, openness and extroversion), one confirms readiness and the ability to lead in various endeavors. Past experiences working with groups in the academic setting has exhibited competencies in assuming lead roles. For instance, when there atomic number 18 group projects, there have been several times that one was assigned or elected as the group leader and the record traits of being orderly, focusing on complying with responsibilities, being original and conscientious were evidently manifested. As a leader, one recognized the importance of delegating responsibilities to members and monitoring their progress. With the personality type that was exuded, one acknowledged that focus on the accomplishment of tasks is crucial to ensure that the defined goals are achieved. However, one likewise realized that there is a need to develop openness and extroversion to enable the leader to solicit relevant inputs from other members and followers, and to encourage them to be productive and facilitate towards contributing in effect towards the defined goals in a more conducive and motivated

Monday, April 22, 2019

The best presents are those that cost the least Essay

The best encloses ar those that cost the least - Essay ExampleOn the other(a) hand, it has now become a kindly practice to give presents on birthdays, anniversaries, etc that is the reason that every other retail business is now position efforts to showcase and sell a huge range of gifts.Such range of presents varies from baby toys to diamond necklaces, or in other words, shops offer gifts from a dollar to thousands of dollars. In such significance of presents, and especially in this era, plurality believe that high-priced items can be the best presents to give to soulfulness, or to acquire someones love and affection. Although gold and diamond have always remained a weakness of women, however, few people believe that sometimes, even a small greeting card can be the best present for someone rather than even a diamond ring. From a different perspective, people criticize that coin cannot buy everything, especially love, and thus, feelings and emotions are the major factors tha t count more as compared with physical presents.Even from private experiences, it is observation that sometimes a 1000-dollar present only brought temporary smiles, whereas, a handmade photo framing costing less than ten dollars made the whole day, and continued to bring smiles for rest of the life. In this regard, I believe that money does not matter when it comes to presents, but the feelings do. In other words, humans are unrestrained machines, and although these machines run after the notion of money and expensive things, however, during most times, emotional aspect of humans overcome the materialistic side that inclines individuals towards sentiments and feelings rather than cost of the present.Lastly, it will not be wrong to state that although expensive gifts can be attractive, exotic, and striking, but they usually result in temporary smiles and few moments of fun. On the other hand, real and best present can be something

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Income Distribution in the U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Income Distri hardlyion in the U.S - Essay ExampleIt verbal expressions at the income that the replete and the poor are getting. It also critically looks at the factors that can lead to income distribution inequalities like taxing, engine room and globalization. It helps in explaining various theories like human capital and economic discrimination. For this purpose, it helps an economy to come up with counsels to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. It has been a global concern in fighting poverty. take down though poverty can not be fully eradicated it can be reduced. It is important to look at how factors of merchandiseion are distributed within an economy. How easy it is for every individual to access these factors is another way to know how well the income is distributed within an economy (Richard, pp.345-450).It is important to look at the income distribution trends in the States to find out how the gap between the rich and the poor can be reduced. Very to a gre ater extent economists are interested in fighting the gap between the rich and the poor. The gross domestic product (GDP) has been refuted in telling if the citizens of a country are rich or poor. Many economists argue that a country can have a very high gross domestic product but it is only being produced by 10% of the citizens who are the elite and affluent people of the society. The Gini coefficient has been used by the American economists to tell if the country has equal distribution of income. It can simply be said that near professions are well paid but others earn very low wages (Richard, pp.345-450).It is notable that 1948 to 1968, the Gini coefficient reduced. When the Gini coefficient reduces past it means that the citizens income per citizen is increasing. Thus between those years the income inequality in America had reduced meaning that families were receiving more income than before. On the contrary, the Gini coefficient increased between 1968 and 1998, this meant tha t the

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sampling strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sampling strategy - Assignment ExampleIn other words, each fraction of the population has an equal chance of becoming part of the sample size. This strategy shall be used to use up fifty (50) of such new mothers. The rationale for using ergodic sample distribution technique in the denary survey and selecting fifty (50) respondents is that surveys require the collection of selective information from a relatively larger setting and as such the sample size must be large enough to give a full-strength proportionate representation of all people within the population.For the qualitative focus group study, a goal-directed sampling strategy shall be used to select members in the sample size. A purposive sampling strategy do not allow for equal probability of selection of members but comes with its own reward which is, a specific classification of respondents who are thought to be suitable for the provision of certain data will be selected (Bushman, 2007). This is ideal for a focus grou p study because using a random strategy may include members who do not qualify for the variables set out to achieve the intend focus. Because the focus group will be critically analyzed, a fewer number of respondents of ten (10) shall be included. Generally for the focus group, the inclusion and exclusion criteria shall be based on a group of closely defined variables, whereby only new mothers who fall within the variables shall be included (Calfee and Scheraga, 2004). A typical mannikin of such variable could be new mothers who had pre-mature child birth.Bushman, B.J. (2007). Child birth complications and their attendant solutions Validity of proposed explanations. recent developments in alcoholism Volume 13. (pp. 227-243). New York, NY Plenum Press.Calfee, J., & Scheraga, C. (2004). The influence of advertising on anti-natal care A lit review and an econometric analysis of four European nations. International Journal of Advertising, 13,

Friday, April 19, 2019

Respone artical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Respone artical - Essay ExampleThis cogitate necessarily detracts from some of the better kn profess artists that have gained renowned based upon their overall appeal and artistry. ostensibly all too often, individuals that review music will disparage popular music to such a great degree that they fail to recognize that some aspects of it, or at the very least legitimate artists, demand a level of attention due to the incident that their success is ultimately the result of the fact that many individuals have come to appreciate their music and thereby gives them a level of credence. Additionally, the piece focuses nigh entirely on R&B, rap/hip-hop, folk, and a few other genres hardly inclusive of the all-embracing range of music that has been represented over the past four years. Essentially, the qualms of this author with the listing are of social class subjective however, any number of individuals might agree, disagree, love or detest the listing based upon their own musical

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Criminal Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

roughshod Law - Research Paper Exampleat the time the crime was committed.1 This is explained by the f form that insane people are not in the position to appreciate and to tell the difference amidst good and bad, right and wrong, legal and illegal. delirium exoneration is considered to be a defense by excuse.Insanity defense dates back from Ancient Greece and Rome, however, the first definition that is closer to the modern definition of insanity defense was given by an English Court, in 1843, the insane person being compared to a wild beast. However, an in the beginning definition explains insane defense as it follows If a madman or a natural fool, or a lunatic in the time of his lunacy do kill a man, this is no felonious act for they cannot be said to have any understanding will.2 In the USA, some of the leading historical moments directly connected to the insane defense are the case shorthorn v. United States3, (which established the Durham rule, also known as the Product te st), the drafting of the American Law Institute sort (1953), the Hinckley case4, which led to the adoption of Insanity Defense Reform Act in 1984.Nowadays, more and more jurisdictions convey to rename the insanity defense into mental disorder defense, trying to protect the authors of such crimes from being stigmatized with the strike off insane. This is the result of the development of human rights protection, this applying not only to good citizens, but also to everybody, disregarding their outlaw or/and medical records.As attractive as the insane defense may seem to frosty blooded criminals, wishing to avoid justice with an insane plea, all the insane defense cases involve psychiatrists, mental testing of the person claiming to be insane and the burden of proving to the jury that the crime was committed by a mentally ill person. For example, the case of Colorado v. Connelly5 is the story of a man found not unrighteous by insanity, and after 10 years, found guilty for the co mmitted crime.The Andrea Yates case is one of

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Article Critique - Essay ExampleTo respect with the requirements of writing a critique, ace selected the topic which covers the rationale for federalism (why federalism?) and provide insights regarding personal reaction and opinion on the points that were discussed to de terminationine if these points were appropriately supported. Why Federalism? The springs effectively presented a discussion on the topic (why federalism?) by for the first time establishing the rationale for unification. Other terms that were successfully defined included nation, confederal system, unitary system, self-government, and federalism (Greer, Schiller and Segal 75-77). The expertise and authoritativeness of the authors on the overcome have been established in their capacities as professors of semipolitical science. As such, provisions of meanings of terms were validly presented through the knowledge they have gained from previous academic pursuits and in their respective professions as educators. In an other perspective, the authors utilize a fairly comprehensible and straightforward language that aids the students, who are the primary audience, in gaining ken and knowledge on the subject of discussion. Through the provision of clear examples where students could effectively identify and relate to, the authors thereby are effective in language use and structural presentation. Difficult terms or vocabularies that convey to be expounded were effectively provided meanings in straightforward and easily understood manners. Also, by citing other authoritative discourses authored by experts on the subject, Greer, Schiller and Segal (2012) established support and increased credibility on the topics being discussed. For instance, in defining the term federalism which is crucial in this section, Greer, Schiller and Segal (2012) do reference to a policital scientist, William Riker, whose definition was explicitly disclosed therein. Likewise, through presenting a visual comparative il lustration of conferedal, unitary and federal systems, as Figure 3.1 (Greer, Schiller and Segal 76), students were illumined on the similarities or disparities of one system of government from the other. Visual representations and illustrations are effective means to enhance understanding on topics that could be challenging to comprehend through purely written literary discourse. In subjects such as political science and history where students expect a lot of reading and discussion, as well as references to diachronic backdrop, using visual aids and illustrations become a welcome and helpul respite. The sources of other secondary references that provided support to the authors contentions were cited in two ways through immediate citation with references under figures or visual illustrations and through an author index where supercripts where initially added in citations through the text. In expounding on the subject of why federalism, for instance, the authors made reference to onl y one citation, from the work of William Riker in his definition of the term federalism (Greer, Schiller and Segal 76). Despite the lack of other citations, the authors used other means of support through the provision of historical narration, examples, and statistics, as deemed applicable for instance, citing the experiences of participants in the 1787 Constitutional Convention, specifically located in

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

English - Essay ExampleThis attitude is established by Douglasss description of Mrs. Auld as a woman of the kindest heart and finest feelings (Douglass, p 159) until she is corrupted by the poison of slavery. Likewise, he expresses his deep affection for the little white boys who taught him to read. On the other hand, Douglass is unequivocal in his attitude towards white people who are slaveholders. He declares, I loathed them as being the meanest as headspring as the wickedest of men, (Douglass, p 164). He holds Andrew and Mrs. Hamilton to be the examples of this bestiality. Douglas is undoubtedly bitter about his slavery experiences. His learning makes him astutely conscious of slavery as a violation of human rights. His hatred of the unjust society, which has denied his people their freedom, is straightforward throughout the Narrative. He describes such a society as composed of a band of robbers, (Douglass, p 164). Douglass is particularly anguished by the cruel treatment meted out to his grandmother, who is abandoned and turned out to cave in alone in her old age. He condemns a society that supports slavery as one in which the exercise of irresponsible power (Douglass, p 162) is sanctioned. It is slavery which makes barbarians of a society. Charles Darwins Natural Selection deals with the implication of natural variations, and the evolution of those variations which are favorable for the survival of the species.

Counseling African Americans Essay Example for Free

Counseling African Americans Essay accomplish and Sues Chapter 14 Counseling African Americans spends a great deal of effort exploring heathenish particulars and corresponding clinical implications while working with African Americans factors such as family dynamics, educational orientation, spirituality, and the pressures and emphasise of racism and marginalization. This nominateed me prospect through a lens much broader than my own somewhat narrow, predominantly white, and fairly inside(a) way of relating to the world. Before understanding cultur in ally appropriate interventions, bingle must have an understanding of the cultural context or the cultural word of an soul. For me, this first means that balances must be noted, either literally in family relationship with the African American thickening or simply as a clinical observation I make on my own. Of course the difference in the two volition forecast on the client, context, and planetary relevancy in the mo m anpowert. In my own run into, noting racial difference aloud with a client has been most helpful in that it gives permission for the potentially taboo topic of race and differences to be considered, brought into the space at a later time, and even into the forefront of consciousness.Apart from the explicit healthful relationship, noting difference is a personal reminder that I am no expert on anyones experience but my own, I may make mistakes (and probably will), I should steer clear of assumptions, its ok to be curious, and to do my homework. Once a general understanding of differences is established, then one can come out to consider appropriate therapeutic interventions. Lets take the issue of racism and discrimination the byproduct of these atrocities oftentimes manifests as defense and survival mechanisms in Black Americans.Which can lead to a general mistrust or as its stated (by Sue and Sue) a healthy cultural paranoia, as a way of coping. This mistrust can be of individua ls, entire races of people, the government, social service providers With this in mind, its all-important(a) to determine what the clients feelings and understandings about therapy are. To touch base and explain what kind of therapy I engage in, how it can be helpful to them, and what can be expected of our time together. Hopefully this will help to assuage uneasy feelings of fear of the unknown or mistrust, as well as luck up a foundation for a healthy therapeutic coalescency.Although Sue and Sues Afrocentric perspective can be helpful it can too simultaneously be viewed as reductive. Its important not to discount individual differences by universalizing traits of African Americans. Self cannot be defined as a unitary concept evolving from a single defining variable, such as race or cozy urge (Williams, 1999). For instance, not all women are nurturing, caring, and relational. Similarly, not all African Americans possess an African ethos of communalism or spirituality. Race, c lass, sexual orientation, and gender are all complex interactive components that make up the self.To approach a client through the lens of only one of these variables, means potentially silencing a central component of their identity. Additionally, it is also necessary to consider an internal state without regard to the social demands of each variable. Collectively, these considerations can aide to a more holistic view when working with African American clients. Part Two After expenditure a year in practicum at the SF county click, I feel as though Ive had a fairly decent introduction to working with African American fe antherals.When I began practicum I had had very pocket-size training in diversity or cross-cultural counseling. Turns out that a year in the jail was one large training in diversity and cross-cultural counseling Now Im able to pin my personal experience against the denotations and gauge my success as a culturally able therapist. When assessing my strengths, I fi nd that I possess a keen and tremendously empathic understanding of how the stress of racism, sexism, and oppression can manifest in African American women. Oftentimes the byproduct of this stress is what brings the individual to jail.As a clinician, I can confidently say that I am able to preface the therapeutic relationship with a greater capacity for empathy because of this understanding and build a strong alliance as an ally as well as a therapist. Im not terror-stricken to make mistakes and have no attachment to being right these qualities will only support me as a clinician. In addition, my upfront demeanor and willingness to self-disclose have had a remarkable impact on the therapeutic relationship. My empathy is strongly with women and their plight of identifying and addressing all the isms that stand between them and equality, wholeness, and health.Frequently, those isms are at the hands of men and I certainly have a bias towards this, and towards men in general. Its no a ccident that I spent an entire year of practicum working solely with women although it wasnt a conscious choice, I look at on some level I chose not to work with men. I have incredible biases towards men as perpetrators and oppressors and men and their privilege, African American men as well as Caucasian. These biases keep me panicked at the thought of working with male clients. I imagine heaps and heaps of countertransference between male clients and myself countertransference that is full of pain and rage.Im not sure that I have much to offer men inside the therapeutic space. I dont believe this to be my final upshot, I just know that I have some work to do around my relationship with men before I make the leap of working with them in such sacred space. Essentially, it all comes down to two core qualities- and they are humility and flexibility humility in all that I think I know and the flexibility to shift or discard that companionship. My experience of working with, knowing, and reading about African American culture, difference, and oppression may or may not serve me as a therapist at any given moment.What works for and makes sense in the context of leaf node A, may not be so for Client B, and vise versa. Although it is crucial to have fundamental knowledge of the legacy of oppression against African American people and to consider factors such as interdependence, collectivism, and emotional push as presumed long- standing black personality traits, I must also be able to key connections between those factors and the individual experience- much like the womanist techniques mentioned in Carmen Braun Williams article African American Women, Afrocentrism and womens liberation movement Implications for Therapy.As a therapist, I am responsible for guiding and supporting the client in devising the shift from object to subject transferring ownership of self from one whose self is externally determined to one who is self- determining (Freire, 1990). And pr actice practice practice, with an open heart, ears, and mind. References Braun Williams, C. (1999). African American women, afrocentrism and feminism Implications for therapy. Women Therapy, Vol. 22(4) 1999. Freire, P. (1990). Pedagogy of the oppressed. natural York Continuum. Sue, D. Sue, D. (2008). Counseling the culturally diverse Theory and practice, Chapter 14.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Ties of Life into One Essay Example for Free

The Ties of Life into One EssayAll plant of literature be bound together in a deep, enigmatic way non visible to the substance at first look. Like pieces in a puzzle, even the most dissimilar pieces of writing train together to construct the whole picture of the world of literature and life. Austerlitz and The Task of the interpretive program, taken together, rise this idea. Though they ar vastly un identical each other in their natures and features, their perspectives and their arguments, their style of written speech communication and the category of writing in which they argon found, they send word still be drawn together and affiliated to form any(prenominal)thing distinctive and beautiful. If read and analyzed c atomic number 18 widey, these two pieces of literary work can be set together to form a nonher piece, wizard profound and exquisite, almost enigmatic and immense. They depend to be attached in some mysterious and unreachable way. From within them, a certain pull seems to issue, one nonphysical and indefinable, kindred the pull felt on viewing some veil brain-teaser in life, or on feeling or seeing something felt or seen in the historic, in a dream want world. Both works have, in themselves, a meaning that goes beyond the surface, beyond sight and touch, and reach for the incite of human life that liesLast name, sc bothywag no. beneath and is unseen to the world. Both have these in common, there argon profundity to them absorbs the vigilant endorser into a soul-moving experience, still leave the quick, casual, sh exclusivelyow reader on the outside, wondering and uninformed, even bored or tired. The book Austerlitz is a highly descriptive narrative or so Jacques Austerlitz, a German boy who lost his previous(prenominal) in the ashes of the business relationship of the Holocaust. follow by a Minister and his wife, he lived his life in oblivion to his bear memoir, shrouded by corrupt and isolation he created for h imself.Later, however, he experienced flashbacks and moments of vertigo, which began his search to discover his parents identity and the circumstances that led to his beingness left an orphan. The story is retold by a narrator who, by chance, encounters Austerlitz. Austerlitz tells him of his search for the past. Later, they plan meetings, and immense descriptive and discourses follow as they speak of Architecture, Nocturnal Animals, and the Passages of the Paris library. Austerlitz seems to be simple at the start it is almost a boy who loses his parents inGermany and is adopted by a couple who raises him and keeps the secrets of his past from him until a later date. On the outset, it is a simple story of someone searching to find what has happened to him and who his veritable parents were. Then, confusion seems to build. The narrator of the book and Jacques Austerlitz seem to lose themselves in speaking of Architecture, Nocturnal Animals, and the passages close the Paris libra ry. Where could these things lead, and join to the theme and story of the book, to the lost boy trying to find his lost past?Last name, knave no. But, if you dig deeper, and read carefully, you feel you are standing at the enclosure of a precipice with a whole sea of meaning beneath your feet. there is something behind the words, something that pulls your soul into it, only when something you cannot grasp, or touch with human words. Jacques Austerlitz has lived his early life in silence and mystery. He seems to be going on quietly into the future, with the present a fog around him, and the past darkness. There is something around the strength of ignorance here it mustiness be a carefree life, but not a bright one.The minister and his wife later tell him about his past and his true name, but he does not seem to care to dig into his past, and is contented to live his life in that silent oblivion. Then, as he walked into a train station once, realization seemed to strike him li ke twinklening. He suddenly experienced moments of vertigo, and flashbacks and memories came to him. why a train station? It seems that he had been moving, like a train, steadily and mechanic onlyy toward a hazy, unnamed future, but failing to realize that his past, too, was hazy and unknown, and he did not know the beginning of his destination.The clock, then, seemed to turn at this place. The train station depicted travel, and now his journey began, not into an unknown future, but into an unknown past. He seemed to turn around and reach for the things of the time that went before. The speeches with the narrator, which make up a large role of the book, are not enigmatical and contradictory, as they seem to be. Austerlitz speaks of architecture, in all its vastness and minuteness. Architecture is a vast subject, there are large arcs, large buildings, vast things but it is besides minute, there are corners, crevices, nooks, not seen by Last name, page no.the normal eye, but exis ting, anyway. These two elements are damp of each other. They never can be parted and thought of separately. What could they have reminded him of? Why architecture? Could the forms of things, which hid a history of lives behind them, remind him of the past, of a warm hand to hold, of memories buried into great walls and obscure crevices, like the fog that enveloped him in oblivion? Philosophers and nocturnal animals have a lot of similarities. After all his arguments, this veiled idea lies beneath all, that philosophers, like night-animals, see when everyone else seem to be asleep.They seem to have reached a deeper knowledge, which bears them up above the everyday passages of human life, with all its superficial knowledge and unthinking ways and speeches. Philosophers seek to witness the whole of human life within the cloak of a history not untold, and therefore the history must be told. The passages of the Paris library are veiled in mystery, like the mystery of life, like the ma ny passages in memory. They are all built together to form one building, one life, but the many passages are lost in the dark, winding and winding, and not found until explored.All are mysterious, all are beautiful, and, though some are hidden in the dark, all must be part of the whole, and all must be found out all the parts of his life, though some are hidden in the dark, must be explored and found out. The background of this story, of course, is the Holocaust. Though the narrative is silent, and seems to turn its percentage point from looking into the face of that horrible time in history, the context treats it and it hangs over the whole story like the sky hangs above us all. Every moment is enfolded in this history, a contrast to Austerlitz, who tries Last name, page no. to escape his past.But the cause of his trouble is the war itself, and though no passage looks at it directly, a silent voice seems to cry against it, and, like the passages of the library, all are a part of the whole. He seems to be saying, besides, that Germany must reconcile itself with its history of the Holocaust and should not hide in its oblivion, but embrace the moment, and the ground of its memory. For instance, if I am walking through the city and look into one of those quiet courtyards where slide fastener has changed for decades, I feel, almost physically, the current of time slowing down in the gravitational field of oblivion.It seems to me as if all the moments of our life occupy the same space, as if future events already existed and were only waiting for us to find our way to them at last, just as when we have accepted an invitation we duly arrive in a certain house at a given time. And might it not be, continued Austerlitz, that we also have appointments to keep in the past, in what has gone before and is for the most part extinguished, and must go there in search of places and people who have some connection with us on the farthest side of time, so to speak? (Sebald 257-258).He seems to be saying this all of individual experience is at once vast and minute the grief of history cannot be consoled and the moment and its ground of memory and history is dazzling in its quiet mystery. He is speaking of life, with all its little gifts and mysteries, how all of life is connected to itself, how the ground upon which we stand is full of memory, how today reaches out and touches yesterday, and together, reach over into what will be tomorrow. There is his history, pulling him back, there is architecture, part of yesterday, and part of today there are the moths forming arches over boys heads,Last name, page no. full of mystery and the gifts of today there are the passages about the library, full of the past, and yet existing, full of today, if explored and embraced. The Task of the Translator is a very deep piece of writing which shows a number of things about translating from one terminology to another. The author speaks of translating an original work of literature and some of the misconceptions of people who undertake to do that work. He defines translation in a way unthought-of and deeper than life.He speaks of the kinship of all the lyrics of the world, and says that all must strive for the pure talking to, which is untranslatable in itself. Translations must be faithful to the original, but they must add more elements to themselves to lead next to that pure language. Although translation, unlike art, cannot claim permanence for its products, its goal is undeniably a final, conclusive, decisive stage of all lingual creation. (Benjamin 3) This, according to him, is the task of the translator to move closer to this language, which is above all, and divine truth.The Task of the Translator seems to puzzle more than Austerlitz does. The themes can be seen with careful probing in the latter, but in the former, there seems to be a depth quite beyond, a mystery that cannot be solved, but that must be interpreted by us in whatev er ways will benefit us best. Walter Benjamins style is more dense and thoughtful-his points are scattered throughout the article, and merged here and there with common misconceptions and the truth. His point is hidden in a dark sea of language, but his points, as they come, rise here and there, like sudden burst of light upon the mind.Like Austerlitz, the article seems to be a practical piece of writing, one written to guide translators in the task of translating literature. His points, though, seem so deep and Last name, page no. so buried that it becomes confusing at once. IS he guiding translators in the way that they should go? Or is he writing some deep literature about language and divine truth, knowledge and what lies beyond? He buries his thoughts in language so deep and so dense, so full of meaning and so difficult to grasp at.At this point, when his work has been read and reread, there seems to be a depth beneath, the same depth felt on reading Austerlitz. The soul seems to be pulled higher, yet deeper, into something whose presence was never expected to exist. He speaks of languages and how they are all related to each other in that they are born to express what is common to us life. languages are not strangers to one another, but are interrelated in what they want to express (Benjamin 2) There is relatedness about them, and they cannot be separated.Moreover, they are not like each other at all. Each language has its own element which the others do not each is special in its own way, touched by the fingers of something deeper than what they seem on the outset. He speaks of a pure language, which is, in itself, untranslatable and, above all, the core of meaning. The original strives to relate itself to this pure language, but not any work of literature or art can aim to it. Translations come after, after the original has passed, and modifies it, striving, in itself, to reach higher than the original has, for the pure language.Both works do not con tradict each other. The original seems to have nothing to do with the translation, and the translation is not a mere copy of the original. Instead, both of them are like pieces in a puzzle, each plan to come together for the aspiration for the pure language, which is beyond, which is untranslatable. In translation the original rises into a higher and purer linguistic air, as it were. (Benjamin 3) Last name, page no. He seems to speak of this pure language as the language of God, the language of true meaning, the language of divine truth.He seems to say that all languages are united, seeking for the language of God. In this, divine truth is hidden. All are part of a whole, all are related. zero can be taken by itself nothing can be read by itself. It does not matter of the reader, of the one who observes the art, it is the aspiration for the better, the pure, the Good, the Divine. He is full of contradictions. He seems to desire translators to follow some way, not to stick to the original, but to aspire for higher language, but he seems to say, in another and more hidden way, that this is impossible to do.It is not an article that teaches translators, it is a hidden work of the true language, of his beliefs that divine truth can come with the pure language. There seems to be a deeper relation between the two works than their mystery and depth. They seem to pull themselves into something ONE. Austerlitz ties all life into one the horrors of the past, the inconsolable pains of history, the gifts of today, the ground of the moment, and what stood on that ground before the moment existed, the passages leading to nowhere, but all proceeding from one, the secret heart.And the Task of the Translator ties all language (and all life, because language is only the expression of life) into one one great language, one truth, one divine good, one pure language into which all things merge. All are part of a whole. All are united. All language, all life, come down to ONE. A ppendix Benjamin, Walter. The Task of the Translator. young York Routledge, 2000. Sebald, W. G. Austerlitz. New York Random House, Inc. 2001.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Theatre †HL “Habit” †David Mamet Wordcount Essay Example for Free

Theatre HL Habit David Mamet Wordcount EssayIn this excerpt of his book True and delusive Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor David Mamet is discussing the importance of consumptionual behavior in relation to advantage in theater of operations and our daily lives.In my opinion, he does this in a very mechanical mannequin of way, matching certain places (e.g. re visualisesal, home and the stage) with certain activities (e.g. work, reflection and action). This expertness work as a technique of creating places of concentration and inspiration for some people, notwithstanding go steady behind definitely not work for everyone therefore Mamet shouldnt be stating it as a generally applicable practice for successful acting and theatre. other deficiency of his theory is that he solely takes into account the technical start out of theatre, giving immense importance to qualities such as bounteous punctuality and knowing your lines by heart. I do believe in the importance of these practices, seeing as they support the development of meaningful theatre, but by no means are they responsible for its creation. Being on time and knowing your lines will create space and time for you to settle in, calm down, concentrate and forget the troubles of your private life. Being structure and organized will enable you to be genuine and emotional on stage.These character traits create room for the truly important aspects of theatre and thereby characterize a responsible doer. It will simplify and ease the procedure of rehearsal, saving time and making the process more efficient. However, an individual that has no talent and manic disorder for acting, wont develop into a good actor merely by being aboriginal for rehearsal and knowing all of his lines perfectly. The reason why these traits are relevant to me is because they emphasize the role of an actor not only as an individual but also as a member of an ensemble. crafty your lines and being on time demonstrate s professionalism and respect towards your colleagues.Mamet mentions the importance of habits that are more spiritual though as well, such as cultivating a love of skill or the habit of mutuality or the habit of truth in one self. Depending on your definition of theatre, cultivating these habits can affect your theatre positively. This applies when your goal of producing theatre is to improve conditions in the world in a greater sense and wanting your audience to leave your production with a positive feeling or determination to change/improve conditions they live in.Another thing Mamet discusses in this excerpt is the role of an actor to society, his true occupation being that of a philosopher and his toil being telling the truth even in the moment when the audience would rather not hear it. This supports my view of theatre, which is that theatre should be having an educating and awakening effect on its audience on society.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Benefits of Capital Punishment Essay Example for Free

Benefits of hood penalty EssayThough last penalty law has received insurmountable onslaught from the opposing activists and benevolent rights campaigners, a result of tells have maintained a hard stance and stood their grounds, this has been with good reasons. It is also in the clear understanding of its benefits and the hollowness of the counter claims. The position of this paper is that crown penalty has a grand range of benefits to a nation. Capital penalty deters crime, curbs recidivism, controls overcrowding and reduces the cost of maintaining inmates serving life sentences. A number of econometric studies conducted between 1978 and 2000 in the join States by a number of scholars bear the truth ab out(p) the determent abilities of great(p) punishment (Paul R. Z. , 2006, 34). These studies have established the obvious, just as incarceration deters crime so does capital punishment. Capital punishment simply refers to an act by state of executing criminals found to have move capital offenses. History has it that the origin of capital punishment was necessitated by the need to quell soaring evaluate of grievous crimes and political dissent.There are various crimes that are punished using conclusion penalty these however usu anyy vary from one country to another and are a product of a states traditions and societal expectations. In China corruption is considered serious enough to attract a death penalty. volume of countries regard drug trafficking, rape and cold blood premeditated murders as capital offences. Zhiqiang Liu (2004, 12), an economist, is particularly categorical in his nurture of the ability of capital punishment to deter crime.He goes forth and posits that one instruction execution of criminal by state goes ahead to safeguard about eight lives of potential victims, this is in uniformity to a study he conducted in the United States between the early 1930s and the late 1960s. This study is quite confident on the congeners hip between executions and crimes rate. These findings had earlier been echoed by H. Naci Mocan and R. Kaj Gittings (2003, 29) in a state level study conducted for a period of 20 years up to 1997. The conclusion of this study was r distributivelyed subsequently a careful analysis of the homicidal and imprison housement rates compared with the rate of capital penalties meted out.The conclusion was that each execution carried out went ahead and reduced the number of homicidal cases after while rescinding of a death penalty generated a significant increase of murder cases. The issue of deterrence has received quite a sizeable proportion of interest from academicians. This interest is not only as a result of its relation to capital punishments only but also in regard to other crimes as well. One of the reasons fuck incarceration in addition to locking out criminal elements away from the precincts of the society is to deter occurrences of a worry(p) crimes from potential criminals.The ories have been put forward to analyze the effects of imprisonment and punishment as a form of deterrence. Most scholars have found a correlation between the two. The fear of imprisonment, fines and other forms of punishment is one big reason why many people would rather not go against the law. former(a) philosophers theorized about the origin of state saying it was brought forth to arrest the anarchical situation that reigned in the real state of constitution.The presence of state also gave birth to the need to create laws and spell out the nature of punishment for the violators, such punishment would be meant to deter. There is an undeniable link between deterrence and punishment and the harsher the punishment, the more efficient the deterrence (Van den Haag, E. , 1975). The idea whence that harsh punishment meted out against criminals does not deter similar occurrences is inconceivable almost all scholars are in agreement that capital punishment should be given to the elements in the society charged with grievous crimes.The basic argument here should be that the nature of crime one commits should attract an equally harsh punishment. Capital crimes rank the laid-backest. None would be harsher than death and this would go ahead in preventing others with similar endeavors. A total of 53 criminals were executed in the United States two years ago (Amnesty international, 2007). A bigger portion of those were in Texas. Critics admit that these executions went a long way in curbing crimes in the states that they were carried out and most studies agree.The issue of deterrence hence is unquestionable. A secondary objective of capital punishment on capital offenses is to stigmatize grievous crimes like rape and murder. It seeks to portray the horrific nature of such acts. Nothing would portray this better than an execution. Capital crimes cannot be deterred effectively by imposing light sentences or life imprisonments with an option of a parole. It is not in ques tion that prospects of imprisonment would deter future acts of crimes, but this might not be applicable in well mapped out and executed murders.The prospect of a parole itself negates the deterrence that could have been achieved. The prospects of a death penalty on the other hand make any criminal to have second thoughts beforehand contemplate on taking innocent lives. Capital punishments with an intention of deterring crimes should not only be carried out but they should also be highly popularized to ensure that such news reach all quarters (Hugo A. B. , 1997, 67). . Texas has an exceptionally high proportion of executions being with over half of all executions in the United States.These executions have been on the increase in these recent past years. Dale O. Cloninger and Roberto Marchesni (2001, 62) carried out a study with an intention of comparing two periods, when in one, executions were near zero and in another where there were remarkably high number of executions. This stu dy found that the deterrence hypothesis holds. The numbers of homicide cases reported when there were minimal executions were higher(prenominal) than in when the number of executions went up. Other studies have found that executions conducted in one state have a spill over effect to other areas.Executions in one state may result to a reduced rate of capital crimes in a neighboring state indicating how efficient the idea of deterrence is (Van den Haag, Ernest, 1975, 26). Deterrence operates within a framework of trine assumptions the first one is based on what the law stipulates. The contents of the law are themselves enough to deter crime a tough law goes a long way in preventing criminal tendencies. The second one is punishment. Everyone should be made conscious of what the punishment for violating a certain law is. The third aspect is the certainty of such a punishment.This is where capital punishment comes and it is ascertained through carrying out executions. The state goes ri ght ahead in achieving this and deterrence is achieved. Robertson I (1989, 33) notes that through punishment corrections serve to deter the offender from deviating and it scares others who might be tempted into crime Capital punishment has also a cost advantage. In the process of meting out a judgment peculiarly for the lesser crimes, the court determines whether to imprison or fine an individual by looking at the achievable costs of incarceration, the nature of the crime and the character of the individual.This is a complicated formula that puts into consideration even the salaries and expenses of the probation officers alongside other costs. The average cost of maintaining a prisoner for a whole year in prison as established in the finding conducted in 2003 is well above twenty-five thousand dollars. This number if multiplied with the millions serving jail sentences in the United States really puts a strain on the public coffers.Fines and paroles are important ways of circumven ting this cost and to a greater extent eradicates the social and health issues that annul as a result of the increasing over crowding in the jails today, especially occasioned by the three strikes law. The prisons in most countries, United States included, are always carrying above the expected capacity. Although the intention of capital punishment is not to decongest prisons, when imposed, it goes ahead to achieve this. The costs of congestion are insurmountable both social and stinting (Gottfried, T. , 1997, 78).

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Importance of Water Essay Example for Free

The Importance of pee EssayWater is one of the most important molecules obligatory to life. humans, for example, are made up of 70% body of weewee. Osmosis is a form of intracellular transport which is important in maintaining a correct balance of ions and substances surrounded by the blood and the inside of cells, for example. If the oncentration of an ion is besides high outside a cell, water will br pulled out of the cell by osmosis in order to increase the water potentiality and thus retore balance. This is the case in ORT (oral rehydration therapy) which is used to treat diarrhea ocurring due to cholera for example.The ORT packs ontain sodium chloride and electrolytes which are transported into the epithelial cells after ingestion and thus lower the water potential of the cell by causing water to be pulled into the epithelial cells from the gut lumen, thus stopping diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is caused by an too high water potential in the lumen of the gut, often due to a movement of water by osmosis. In the case of lactose intolerance, when lactose is ingested it will not be broken follow up and continues along the gut, thus causing water to be pulled out of the cells and liquefying the stools (diarrhoea).Water is important in thermoregulation. When the thermoreceptors dig an increase in temperature, a signal is sent to the incite loss centre in the hypothalamus which starts the heat loss mechanism such as vasodilatation, lowering of body hair, and sweating or pantinh. Sweating allows to pretermit heat by evaporation off the skin, or mucous membranes in the case of panting. If there is not enough water in the body, sweating cannot take place and thus normal core temperature cannot be restored to normal value, which may cause overheating.Water is also the main molecule present in the cohesion-tension theory. Water is pulled up from the soil by osmosis from the root hairs of a plant, due to a lower water potential inside the root hair cell. Higher up, the plant is transpiring through its stomata (the rate of transpiration increases as temperature or wind increases) which pulls water out. There is an unbroken column of water from the stomata belt down the xylem of the plant, all the way down to the root hairs of the plant, so when water is pulled out of the stomata it is also pulled up from the root hairs of the plant up the xylem.The causa for this is the cohesion of the water moleules caused by hydrogen bonding between the molecules. There is also tension between the inside walls of the xylem and the water column this is why the diameter of a tree is larger at nighttime due to a smaller rate of transpiration thus less tension. Water is also responsible for maintaining the hurl and turgidity of plant cells by making the cell membrane push against the cell wall. If there is not enough water in the cell, it will be plasmolysed and flaccid.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How It Affects Economic Growth Essay Example for Free

How It Affects Economic Growth EssayIn my opinion, can up and promoting IT investment is one of the best delegacys to promote economic egression and stability with minimal array readys such as inflation, and easily overcome hurdles like unequal income distribution. While I dont think you can re eachy influence peoples personal testamentpower of computers, I do believe that religious offering impose incentives for IT investment and development willing increase overall GDP, lower unemployment, and ensure an economically stable future.First and foremost, investment towards in blueprintation technology increases productivity, and go through ats workers to a greater extent(prenominal) competent in what they do. With more resources such as faster word processing, 3D Model Rendering, and instantaneous transit of data over the net, laborers in every facet of the economy benefit from technology and enjoy great productivity as a result. This increase in productivity mea ns more products and services atomic number 18 produced with less time invested, and this means that Gross Domestic Product can go up. Furthermore, GDP is a great deal defined as a function of both Capital and Labor. It is widely ac sleep togetherledged that GDP growth can be measured by K/L, or Capital divided by Labor. Clearly, past, if apiece worker is using a higher value of capital (here in the form of fancier computers etc), then GDP is sure to go up.The concern then becomes, what ab let on inflation? Surely, if GDP goes up, inflation will follow, no? Not quite. The accompanying graph gives us a rough idea of why. This increased strength will shift the Philips toot inward, meaning that for every unemployment rate, there is less inflation. More IT investment will mean that we will require more service technicians, troubleshooters, software schedulemers, etc, and we will fulfill unemployment go down. Also, with more children learning ab come forth IT, they will besides be more likely to get think overs when they grow up.When unemployment goes down, though, we typically see that there are less available desperate workers, and thus workers will have more power to bargain collectively. They will get pursue increases, which will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices on final goods and services. This is offset by increased efficiency, as it takes less worker hours to net those products and services. As the Philips curve below shows us, the decrease in unemployment WOULD cause higher inflation, but because of increased efficiency, this variegate in inflation is offset.It is important to note the nearsighted go bad and long run effects of revenue enhancement incentives on both the macro and micro levels. Here is a graph to get us startedWe distinguish that in the short run Demand shifts out as IT becomes more and more necessary. Supply shifts out because manufacturing personifys go down, and thus existing starchys will produce more at every price. These reductions to comp intensify shift MC and ATC down we dont know how much each of these shifts is, though. We dont know what P2 is, but we know that costs go down, so there is abnormal short terminal profit, and we know that each firm is going to produce more. In the long run, more firms will cipher (shifting interpret out further) until each player in the market is operating at their lowest cost on the ATC curve, which is the point where long run profits are equal to 0.We know that long run market quantity is greater because there are more firms in the industry, and we know that each firm produces in the long run what it did before all the shifts. Each firm is producing more in the short run than in the long run. Assuming that the presidency offers task incentives to BOTH SUPPLIERS AND BUYERS of IT, we can expect to see the same demand shifts and supply shifts as we did in the 90s, when demand shifted out and the cost to produce came down. The tax r ebates to suppliers means a reduction of cost (same as in the last example) and the tax rebates to buyers will make the price they have to pay lower, which will increase demand.One of the few drawbacks to the subsequent increased IT spending, of course, is the negatively charged effect on the environment, as computers become obsolete quickly and are usually just propel out. In my opinion, the environmental effect is definitely a huge drawback to increased IT investment. I believe that the government should give further incentives to companies who donate old or B-stock products to schools (preferably those in bad areas) or charities when they buy freshly ones. Donating these slightly flawed or last-year-model computers to schools would be an investment in human capital, which would increase GDP in future generations, as children become more tech savvy and productive with computers. Since the government is reducing the cost of production with tax incentives, I think they could get away by contrasting these incentives with slightly stricter environmental regulations as far as waste goes. They should set requirements on the packaging (which is created solely to be thrown and twisted out) that comes with IT goods, and should give even more incentives to companies that collect and recycle re-usable components such as circuit boards, plastic cases, and semiconductors all components that are not biodegradable and are a large part of the junk filling our landed estates landfills.Another set of short and long term effects you must consider is the effect of tax incentives on those already involved in the market IT workers. Again, we have a graph to serving us visualize these effects. For this discussion, because of inflation, we must assume that we are talking in terms of real dollars, and that these wage prices are adjusted for inflation. In the 1980s (short run), as IT became more important to industry, we see the demand curve for IT work shift outward, causing an increase in price and quantity as more suitable people started doing IT. In the long run, more competitors enter and the number of CS majors doubles supply shifts outward, but were not sure by how much. We know that real wages go back down, but we dont know if they are above, at, or below the original prices. We just know that they are decreasing, and that the overall quantity is much higher.The last major concern would be the Digital portion out the concept that low income families do not use computers and thus are isolated from their potential benefits. This digital divide essentially means that poorer families have less gateway to the computer and tech skills to compete in the moderne wrinkle industry, such as word processing and online research. They also have less access to online educational resources, and thus have less human capital. This means they are less likely to rise out of poverty, and are at a disadvantage. Those fortunate enough to be able to afford computers internet access will get more educated and richer, and those who are not fortunate enough get poorer. I personally am against racial discrimination in all forms, and I think targeting out minorities and saying here, you need a computer is wrong.I do, believe, however, that there should be some sort of program to give less fortunate children of all ethnicities the IT skills and access to computers that they will need to function in the modern labor market. This is where my idea of offering tax incentives to companies that donate last year model computers to charities or schools in bad neighborhoods could really benefit these people and help them accumulate human capital. I think that offering tax incentives to people who put computers in their home will be too difficult to manage, and I also think that in many cases, people without the means to get a good job (no technical background) will not be able to afford a computer either way thus, its a vicious cycle.Additionally, I think people who cant afford $40/mo for DSL are in this predicament because they dont have technical skills, and thus, in all probability dont value technology as much as they should. They probably still wint be interested in broadband. I think the presidents broadband hatchway should focus more on getting faster internet and more technical training into schools, so that the next generation, who still has the desire and patience to learn about computers, can do so at an early age.Overall, you can see that there is a long tend of benefits, and a short list of easily overcome problems with increased investment. In fact, even the cater benefits. Normally, increased investment would make the Fed have to increase interest rates to prevent inflation and cool off the economy. IT is unique, however, in that it also provides greater efficiency, thus shifting the curve as discussed earlier. I would argue that it makes the Feds job easier its promotes economic growth and employment, without je opardizing economic stability. All in all, I say that giving tax incentives to producers and suppliers of IT goods and services is a great plan

Monday, April 8, 2019

Product Market Analysis Essay Example for Free

Product Market Analysis EssayIn 1873, Adolph Coors and Jacob Schueler, both German immigrants established Golden, Colorado brewery. In 1880, Coors bought out his partner and became the sole owner of Coors create from raw stuff Company. Today Molson Coors Brewing Company is the third largest brewing company in the United States (Molson Coors, 2013). In 1990, Coors Brewing introduced Coors obdurate fold Spring Water. The harvest-home was short lived and was taken off the market in 1992 after only ii years. in that respect are a few problems with the marketing and advertising of this crossing. To remarket this product I would start with the uptake of various types of media communication. Television, radio, magazine, and other social media outlets would be take advantage of. Television and radio commercials pull up stakes be broadcast during sporting event on the major sports networks. The focus on the sports and outdoor community will be the main target. The Coors Company did not target these markets with their product.Magazines advertisements will be added to outdoor and sporting magazines. The product will be advertised on social Medias such as Facebook and Twitter. Facebook also gives the option of gainful for to a greater extent advertisement. This can triple the products reach more than 1000 different views a day. The advertisement for this product was limited to boob tube and magazines. The problem with the television is that Coors was tried to target their beer drinking customer. The convictions the commercials were aired were during the selfsame(prenominal) times that beer commercials. The customer base that they were reaching limited the exposure. That consumer base is not interested in the restive Mountain Spring Water unless is has the rest of the ingredients in it. The big issue that this product has is in the name. Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water makes you think of the alcoholic beverages that they are known for.This alone discour aged those who do not drink or those too young to drink. In 1987, the average person would consume 4.5 gallons of bottled piddle supply per year. That grew in 1997 to 12.7 gallons per person. There an no reason why with that much increase in the consumption of bottled water this product didnot take off ( congenital Resource Defense Council, 2013). This product has a simple fix. First, it is beta that we change the name of the product. At the least drop the Coors of the name, Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will windlessness bring in the loyal customers to the Coors product. Any true fan on Coors will remember that Coors is do by Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will also disassociate the product from the alcoholic beverages. The first product was bottled in glass bottles. This could also hinder the sales of the product. The glass bottles are heavy and harder to store. intensify the glass bottles into plastic bottles. This will cut down on the price of the product and make i t easier to carrier. The adjacent step would be to us media to get the product out to the public. We need to bring more advertisements to television and radio during sporting events. Advertising online can be done in many different ways. There are ways to reach online customer by e-mail or online advertisements. Facebook, Netflix, and a podcasts offer advertisements during fundamental interaction with their run. Online magazines and newspapers also offer advertisements while on the websites. Facebook has more than one billion people who us its services monthly. People spend an average of six hours and 35 minutes a month. Because of the way Facebook works it has a 94% targeting accuracy.This is highly effective when trying to reach the target market (Facebook, 2013). Internet radio is a great way to reach people. Internet radio accounts for 23% of the average weekly listening time among consumer between the ages of 13 and 35. 49% of US consumers listen to Internet radio 30 minutes front to going into a store and the average online listener will listen almost 12 hours a week (Factbrowser, 2013). All these things I have listed will help to increase the public awareness for the product. The more the public is aware of the product, the more attention it will receive. In 2012 9.67 billion gallons of bottled water was consumed in the U.S. That was up from the 9.1 billion gallons that was consumed in 2011. Despite the efforts of some activist people are still turning to bottled water, and it is showing in the marketplace.ReferencesFacebook. (2013, Summer). The Power of Facebook Advertising. Retrieved from https//www.facebook.com/business/power-of-advertising Factbrowser. (2013,Fall). Research discovery engine. Retrieved from http//www.factbrowser.com/tags/radio/?page=2 Molson Coors. (2013, November). MolsonCoors. Retrieved from http//www.molsoncoors.com/en/Index.aspx Natural Resource Defense Council. (2013, July 15). Bottled Water. Retrieved from http//www.nrdc.or g/water/drinking/bw/chap2.asp

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Teachers and Faculty Carry Concealed Weapons on Campus Essay Example for Free

Teachers and aptitude Carry Concealed Weapons on Campus EssayTeachers and Faculty Carry Concealed Weapons on CampusesImagine the feeling of natural rubber as if it is constantly within our meet or ability, battalion that are in possession of a out of sight weapon are awake(predicate) of the responsibility and the results of what rear end happen when using a out of sight weapon. Safety of teachers, all other employees and students at a learning intuition can greatly improve if the staff could be armed with concealed weapons. Also we must remember that all citizens of the joined States eat up the unspoiled to carry and own a weapon as guaranteed by the second amendment of the constitution of the United States of America. Safety and security could be greatly improved with teachers and faculty carrying concealed weapons on campus, therefore, the teachers and faculty increase security the safety of the students can in addition be achieved.The second amendment to the const itution guarantees people the right to own and use a weapon without balk from the government (Constitution). Although to carry a concealed weapon requires additional permitting in all the states and territories of the United States. This is to economic aid everyone is safe and ensure that a weapon does not end up in the wrong hands. This can consist of a complete and through back ground check, fingerprinting, and even mental health evaluations whitethorn be required in some states. Some states also require the applicant spent meter on the shooting range, classroom, and attend a basic hunter education course. This includes the safety requirements that a individual is expected to follow when in possession of a weapon and the proper bureau to apprehend a weapon when finished with its use. After the documentation process is completed this ensures the persons has the ability to properly own and confine a concealed weapon permit.Most teachers and faculty consequently would have to take the time to untouchable the proper documentation so that they would be compliant with all the state and local laws to carry a concealed weapon. Since, the teachers are going to have more knowledge of the students to know how to defuse a strange or badsituation. On the other hand the faculty being familiar with the campus layout would know how to secure the campus for the safety of everyone else on the campus. Even if this situation only happened one more time and it saved the life sentence of one person teachers and faculty carrying a concealed weapon could eliminate this situation from ever mishap at any learning institution.Most teachers have already spent at least quadruplet years or more in school to teach and help people learn in a safe and secure purlieu, Not to be in fear that a disturbed or upset student brings a weapon to school and intends harm someone. Also teachers bad a grade that a student thinks they should have received a better grade than they did. wher efore the students that carry weapons to school to settle a score with another student or even the free fall over from an incident related to previous gang activity.As a result of teachers and faculty carrying a concealed weapon a second thought would have to be raised in the perpetrators psyche knowing they were going into a situation where the opposition is also carrying a concealed weapon. Also, lets not forget that this is a right that we have and are not in any way be forced into or even have to participate in.Likewise, school systems all over the United States are hiring a school resource officers and private security contractors to have armed personnel on campuses. This is known to decrease the chances of situations escalating with armed persons on campuses. This would provide the added security that is asked to avow order and safety on our campuses. This forget ensure the students, teachers, faculty members are stay safe to further their education and maintain the integ rity of the learning institutions today and forever .However, the cost for the added police or contracted security personnel, and this will far exceed the cost of training teachers or faculty personnel to carry a concealed weapon on campus (Lewis).Therefore, let us not forget that all of us will wishing to use these institutions for schooling, testing, and learning a new job. It is safe to say that doing these things in a safe environment is going to make that easier on anyone when preforming any task required at learning institutions.Only people that are willing and able to participate in this type of program feel a need for the added protection and security for our children in school, teachers, and faculty. What would have happened if a custodian noticed the perpetrator at sandlike Hook Elementary School and challenged him and he never breeched the school. What if the gunman was challenged by the custodian in advance even getting inside the school. With a concealed weapon on th e faculty member this could have been completely avoided and resulting in no loss of any lives. As a result of the presence of weapons on campuses or anywhere we are always going to have the nemesis of violence testing our security measures. As a result of teachers and faculty members carrying a concealed weapon this will reduce the threat of violence in our school ensuring that our children safe and secure when we leave them at a learning institution. kit and boodle CitedLewis, Lyndsey. Nevada Considers Arming Professors. Chronicle of Higher Education 53.44(2007) A20, 1/7. Print.Constitution of the United States of America, Bill of Rights the Second Amendment. The rightto own and use a weapon. www.archives.gov/exhibts/charters/bill_of_rights. (1789).

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Playing Beatie Bow Essay Example for Free

Playing Beatie Bow EssayKirk was a happy young girl who was cheery and dotty towards her parents and life, until the day her father went off with another woman leaving her and her mother (Kathy). Lynette wanted nothing to do with her father so she changed her name to try and get everything about him out of her life. After wanting to be named after a witch she changed her name to Abigail, which her grandmother suggested.She went down to the park with her young next entre neighbours Natalie and Vincent, finding them playing a game called, Beatie Bow. After becoming very interested in a little girl that stood there watching them play (Little Furry Girl) she decided to follow her. This was after having a fight with her mother, when she told Abigail that she had been seeing her father again and that he wanted the two of them to move buttocks in with him and live in Norway where his architectural job was located.Abigail did not take this news well She went for a toss to cool off, when she once again saw the little furry girl and following her found that she had followed her back into her own time of 1873. She got tripped over by the Little Furry Girls father, then found herself at their house. just into the novel the character Granny (Alice Tallisker) told Abigail that she was the stranger and had the gift. The gift came from the crochet on the top of her dress which enabled her to conk and heal.Later in the book it mentions that the crochet was made by Granny. She falls in love with Judah, who was bespoke to Dovey, and realised firsthand what its like to love somebody but no be able to film them. This helped Abigail realise that she should not be selfish towards her parents and should let them have a second chance of a decent life and marriage. During the time that she was in the past Abigail matured by being influenced by the population that surrounded her, the world in which she lived and the events which occurred there.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Locker Room Talk Essay Example for Free

Locker way of life Talk EssayPage 1 Locker Room Talk Ethical campaign April 18, 2010 Page 2 The Locker Room Talk Ethical Case outlines a situation that is an ethical dilemma for CPA Albert gable end who has performed own(prenominal) financial preparedness for Larry and Susan Wilson. The Wilsons, in their discussions with Mr. Gable regarding their in the flesh(predicate)ized finances, menti oned that in the past they have had marriage problems but have worked through the problems and ar not seeking a divorce. Gable and the Wilsons became personal friends ascribable to the blood built during their personal financial planning. Mr. Gable also performs the one-year take stock for one of the largest borders in the town where they all live. The specimen pulled for the audit at the bank included the Wilsons loan discipline. While performing the audit, Mr. Gable discovers information on the Wilsons loan that does not coincide with the information given to him during the per sonal financial planning. Mr. Gable is concerned and addresses the discrepancy with a loan policeman but did not confide to the loan officer that he was also their personal financial planner. The loan officer confided in Mr.Gable that Mr. Wilson was setting up his business to divorce his wife without any compensation. This situation puts Albert Gable in a situation with a conflict of interests. His personal financial guest is also a client of the bank where he performs the annual audit. The information the Wilsons provided to him during their personal financial planning conflicts with the information provided on loan documentation at the bank. Albert Gable needs to determine the best course of action to take in this situation. The StakeholdersThe stakeholders involved argon Page 3 1. Albert Gable As the CPA, his professional business ethics are at insecurity and his personal reputation is on the line. He also has a large bonus weighing on his decision. 2. Mrs. Wilson She has the understanding that her marriage is not at risk and the financial planning is for the benefit of her and her husband for their future. 3. Mr. Wilson If he is not being honest with his wife and is planning on divorcing her, the information that Albert has uncovered during the audit could fabricate problems for him. . The loan officer the loan officer that shared Mr. Wilsons personal information with Mr. Gable. 5. The bank the relationship Mr. Gable had with the Wilsons as personal financial planner was not disclosed to the bank and is a conflict of interest. Course of Action The best course of action that Mr. Gable should take is to meet with the Wilsons and rationalise that he cannot continue with their personal financial planning. He should have them seek out other financial planning firm to complete their personal financial plans.He should explain to them that he completes the annual audit for the bank and during the audit he discovered discrepancies with the loan informatio n and the bank statements provided to him to prepare their personal finances and due to the discrepancies he feels it is necessary to remove himself as their personal planner. By removing himself as the Wilsons personal financial planner, this eliminates the conflict of interest with the bank audit. By informing the Wilsons they need to lay another Page 4 irm and cannot use the CPA firm he is partner with for financial planning removes all conflict business and personal and maintains business and personal ethics. Furthermore, he needs to notify the bank of the conflict with the Wilson accountancy and that he will not be able to conduct an audit of their accounts due the relationship that was initially formed with the personal finance planning. By following the above steps he protects the clients, the bank and upholds his professionalism and his business ethics. Impact to Stakeholder The deontology approach was used to determine the course of action.This approach to ethics emphasiz es doing what one should do in accordance with rules, obligations and/or ethical principles of the profession. The impact of the decision could cost Mr. Gable the banks account but if he would have acknowledge upfront his knowledge of the Wilsons prior to beginning the audit on their loan documents the situation could have been diverted. He is also losing a client, the Wilsons due to the bank audit and the review he completed of their loan documents. If he would have acknowledged to the bank and had the file withdraw from the audit all of this could have been avoided.Mr. Gable will need to take the time and explain to his client the Wilsons but he needs to keep it at a professional level and not discuss what was discovered only that it is conflict of interest. Conclusion Mr. Gable used poor judgment in his decision making process and has violated the ethic rules of the accounting profession. During the audit of the bank documentation he should have immediately notified the bank of the conflict with the Wilson file. He needed to be upfront with the bank and explain the Wilsons were also a client of his for personal financial planning Page 5 nd have the file removed from the sample audit or bring in a one-third party to complete the audit on the Wilson documents. The loan officer should not have shared the personal information with Mr. Gable and Mr. Gable should have ended the conversation before it began. Sharing with the Wilsons that discrepancies were storied between bank statements and loan documentation will allow the Wilsons to clear up the discrepancies at the bank in regards to their accounts. Page 6 References Brooks, L. J. , 2007. Business professional ethics for directors, executives accountants (4th ed). Mason, OH Thomas South-Western.

What Is Absenteeism And What Causes Absence Management Essay

What Is Absenteeism And What Causes absence seizure seizure focvictimization EssayAn employees delibe appraise or habitual absence seizure from prep ar. In to eld formulateing organisations everybody misses a day of work right away and then. But when an employee misses too m any(prenominal) days of work it base be a jumbo problem for the organisation and this can grammatical case serious problems when all more or less other employees shake to cover for the miss worker or in worse cases the work simply doesnt conk done.Absenteeism occurs when the employees of a political party do non turn up to work due to scheduled epoch forth, nausea, injury, or any other reason. Recent studies entertain reviled that Absenteeism roughlytimes put the figure much higher.One new-made Gallup poll did not put a price tag on the sniffles and swollen eyes, but claimed that much than 3 meg workdays per year atomic number 18 disjointed when working people stay home be eccentric t heir allergies are acting up. The momma Institute of Technology released a experience on in 1994 claiming that clinical depression alone resulted in more than 213 trillion confused workdays, cost $24 billion. Furthermore, a 1995 remove discovered a correlation in the midst of absenteeism and employee turnover. Companies with high place of absenteeism were found to be more the likes ofly to have their employees bestow for personal line of credits with other firms. In light of such findings, employers have recognized that a generous absence insurance policy can be pro accommodateable and contribute to employee satisfaction and stability.1If we look back the history, there is just a small compose history of absenteeism in seam literature, probably because until the 20th century businesses had a simple rule, No work no pay. Then labour coalitions forced the companies into contracts to allow employees to take time off from work for unsoundness or vacations and the pract ice of offering paid unrelenting days become widespread. These practices still vary among companies and union contracts and normally there is an average of quadruple to ten sick days per year is standard. Companies have realise that valet absence heed policies are cost legal even many companies were un volitioning to off paid pull to their employees. In fact, there is an estimate in the current studies regarding absenteeism that those company who have hard-hitting employee absence strategies can reduce their overall payroll be by atleast 10 percent.HOW MUCH ABSENTEEISM woo THE BUSINESSMost youthful studies on absenteeism have claimed that missing employees cost companies millions of pounds in lost tax revenue each year. at that place have been several horizons to find show up how much exactly does absenteeism cost the organisations, some of them are as under(a) check to a new survey by Mercer,The issue forth monetary Impact of Employee Absences, the marrow cost of absence can equal as much as 36% of payroll (compared to 15.4% for health care coverage). Of that figure, 9% ac count ons for unintentional absences. Planned absences, like vacations and holidays, average 26.6%. For a midsize business, this un be after absence can account for as much as $4.5 million per year and unplanned absences like casual sick days result in the highest per-day productivity loss, 21% versus just 15% for planned absences like vacation days. On an average, employees have 5.3 unplanned absence days per year.2The other most recent survey on the popular causes of absenteeism by BBC has revealed that within the UK 93% of workers cite cods and flu as their common reason for world away from their work.IHC estimates that 13.4 million working days a year are lost to stress, anxiety and depression, and 12.3 million to back and upper limb problems. And the overall cost to UK industry? A hit 11.5bn in 2002 was paid out in wages to absent employees and on additional over time and pro tem staff cover, according to the CBI. One such firm that has decided to tackle the problem of workplace absence is investment solicitude company INVESCO. Based in the City of London and Henley-on-Thames and employing 1,000 permanent staff, it realised that absenteeism, whether to find a doctor, physiotherapist or councillor, was costing it an estimated 38,000 a year after carrying out a study into the problem in late 2002.3Absence from work costs British industry 10.2bn a year, in the get-go place through minor illnesses, stress and family responsibilities, according to a new report. A survey of more than 530 firms for the federation of British Industry estimated that 200m days were lost through affection absence last year, an average of 8.5 days per worker.4TheMassachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) is aprivateresearch university located inCambridge,Massachusetts, United States, MIT has released a study in 1994 that, Clinical depression alone resulted in mo re than 213 million lost workdays, costing $24 billion.5According to an annual survey report of CIPD in 2009, it is stated that the annual cost of absence, is highest in the public sector, averaging 784 per employee per year. Manufacturing and production employers recorded the next highest cost at 754 per employee per year. Absence costs among non-profit organisations excessively uncivilized slightly to 698 from 741 per employee per year.Private services organisations recorded the lowest annual absence costs, averaging 666. However, the findings showed that scarcely 41% of employers supervise the cost of employee absence, a figure which has re primary(prenominal)ed stubbornly low over the last few years.Annual Absence Labour Turnover Survey 2008by the CBI and insurer AXA revealed that of the 172 million sick days lost to absence in 2007, more than one in ten (12%) are thought to be non-genuine. These 21 million sick employees cost the economy 1.6bn and cardinal thirds of empl oyers think that people use them to extend their weekends.6Another company Hewitt Associateswhich is based inLincolnshire,Illinoisis a globalhuman resources(HR)outsourcing andconsultingfirm which delivers a wide range of structured services to help companies manage their total HR and employee costs and improve their workforces has confirmed thatSickness costs UK companies more than 1,000 per employee every year. In addition, absenteeism is costing employers at least 662 per employee, although this rises by as much as 60% once indirect costs, such as lost productivity, overtime and recruitment, are included. The first Hewitt health care Fundamentals Survey, found that many companies are under-estimating their rate of absenteeism and its financial impact as less than two thirds of companies indicated that they properly record employee absenteeism. The survey showed that the biggest causes of absenteeism are flu, muscular injuries such as back anguish and repetitive strain injury, and stress and depression. more or less 56% of respondents said that stress is an issue for their organisation yet only a third provides stress instruction coaching for their managers. The report makes it clear that stress is predicted to be the main cause of employee ill-health in the next three years. If the UK economy worsens, stress levels can undoubtedly be expect to rise further, making this the biggest threat to employee health in the UK. Poor health and work absenteeism has long been prize as a problem for UK employers. According to a recent review by Dame carol Black, the National Director for Health and Work at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, the total cost of sickness and absenteeism to the UK economy is over 60 billion.7Forum of Private Business (FPB) an online forum has recently conducted a survey on how much absenteeism is costing the business in the United Kingdom. This forum warned that the cost of a unmarried day of workers absenteeism within UK because of the freezing winter conditions could be at least 230 million. FPB also stated thatEmployee absenteeism represents a huge cost for many small businesses. According to the FPBs recent cost of compliance survey, small business employers in the UK spend a total of 391 million per year on absence control and management more than on any other aspect of employment law.8WHAT CAUSES ABSENCE?The most common main causes of sickness absence for both manual and non-manual employees have been identified asManualNon-ManualMinor illness(cold, flu, stomach upsets headaches)Minor illness(cold, flu, stomach upsets headaches)Back painStressMusculo-skeletal injuriesMusculo-skeletal injuriesHome/family responsibilitiesBack painStressHome/family responsibilitiesRecurring medical conditionsRecurring medical conditionsInjuries/accidents not connect to work new(prenominal) absences not connectd to ill-healthThe current studies and surveys have revealed that an increase in stress connect absence is go on in hail of employers these days.INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONSInternational comparison of absence rates is equally useful and informative. The deed of conveyance sick man of Europe was once feed inn to Britain because of apparently poor industrial relations record. This claim can be given to any other country now as absence rates in the UK are among the lowest of any EU member country. Table 1 illustrates this point soilShort-term Absenteeism ratesemipermanent Absenteeism rateDenmarkUKAustriaSwedenIrelandNorwayNetherlandsFranceGermanyBelgiumItalyPortugal3. Adapted from CBI, Focus on Absence, 19899THEORIES RELEVANT TO ABSENTEEISM motivation conjectureThe word motivation is used to describe certain sorts of demeanor. The purpose of motivation theories is to predict behaviours. demand is not the behaviour itself, and it is not performance. Motivation concerns action and the inside and ex ternal forces which influence a persons preference of action (Mitchell 1987).10HERZBERGS TWO FACTOR THEORYHerzberg used the critical incidental regularity and his original study was chosen because of the growing importance in the business world and his study was consisted of interviews with 203 accountants and engineersfrom different industries in the Pittsburgh discipline of America. The responses to these interviews were generally consistent and revealed that there were two different sets of factors affecting motivation and work. This led to the Two calculate system of motivation and avocation satisfaction.Herzberg concluded that the factors as company policy, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and salary are not motivators but are hygiene factors. According to Herzbergs guess, the absence of hygiene factors can create line of merchandise satisfaction and on the other hand their presence does not motivate or create satisfaction. In contrast, he deter mined from data that the motivators were elements that enriched a persons job he foundfive factorsin busy that were strongdeterminers of job satisfactionAchievementRecognitionThe work itselfResponsibilityAdvancementAccording to Herzberg theory these motivators who also can be known as satisfiers were associated with longpositive effects in job performance while the hygiene factors (dissatisfiers) consistently produced only before long-term changes in job attitudes and performance, which quickly throw away back to its previous level. In summary,satisfiers describe a persons relationship with that she or hedoes, many related to the tasks being performed.On the other hand dissatisfiers have to do with a personsrelationship to the context or environmentin which she or he performs the job.The satisfiers or motivators relate to what a person does while the dissatisfiers relate to the situation in which the person does what he or she does.Herzberg argued that extra compensation only work in the short term and other hygiene factors only avoid dissatisfaction and that satisfaction comes from intrinsic motivators. Herzberg developed the job enhancement process and brought out the dramatizeing features in his theoryDirect feedback non-evaluative feedback on work performance which goes straight to the employee, not through a superior.New learning employees given opportunities to learn new and meaning(prenominal) skillsScheduling employees are permitted to organise their own work patterns within reasonable limitsUnique expertise using ones special skills and knowledgeControl over resources having an individual budget for which one is responsibleDirect communication theory authority being able to communicate as necessary to get the job done individual(prenominal) accountability the employee is directly accountable for the work.11ATTRIBUTION THEORYAttribution theory suggests that we observe a persons behaviour and then try to establish whether internal or externa l forces caused it. If it is judged to be internal, it is seen as being under the persons control if it is judged to be external, it is seen as a result of the situation. Attribution is said to be subjected to a number of considerations, because we judge actions in a context. For example, we judge how distinctive behaviour is and whether behaviour is unusual for a occurrence person.Attribution theory is very much relevant to absenteeism as for example the employee is absent from work and the deal are that his or her attendance record is exemplary, then the behaviour could be considered unusual and an external cause (that is, that the behaviour is outside the control of the individual) bequeath be attributed. If the absenteeism fits in with the general pattern of behaviour, then an internal attribution leave be attached (that is, it will be seen as being under the persons control).DOUGLAS MCGREGOR THEORY X THEORY YAccording to Douglas McGregor there are two distinct views of hum an beings, the first one is basically negative, labelled as Theory X, and the other basically positive, labelled as Theory Y. McGregor concluded, after viewing the way in which managers dealt with employees, that a managers view of the nature of human beings is based on a certain grouping of assumptions and that he or she tends to mold his or her behaviour toward employees according to these assumptionsAccording to McGregors Theory X, there are four assumptions held by managers which areEmployees inherently dislike work and whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it.Since employees dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punishment to achieve goals.Employees will avoid responsibilities and seek formal direction whenever possible.Most workers place security above all other factors associated with work and will display little ambition.12In contrast to these negative views about the nature of human beings, McGregor listed the four positive assumptions that h e called Theory YEmployees can view work as being as natural as rest or play.People will exercise self-direction and sobriety if they are committed to the objectives.The average person can learn to accept, even seek, responsibilities.The ability to make modernistic decisions is widely dispersed throughout the population and is not necessarily the sole province of those in management positions.13HOW TO MEASURE ABSENTEEISMTo measure worker absenteeism the most obvious way is to record how many days have employees not come in to work. The companies should have some sort of clock-in or accountability set-up making this bill relatively simple. Once the numbers are available, surely it would be interesting to know how many of those workers were really ill.Measuring absenteeism can serve as many as four purposes for organisations, which includes the followingAdministering payroll and benefits programs proviso human resource requirements for production schedulingidentifying absenteeism p roblemsmeasuring and controlling personnel costs (Gandz and Mikalachki, 1979)Actual appraisal and analyzing is a key aspect of managing absence effectively. Organisations must assess if they have complications with absenteeism, its extent and find out the best way to tackle it. In the latest Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) absence survey, less than half of employers monitor the cost of absence,and just underhalf of organisations have set a target for reducing absence and only 38% of organisations benchmark themselves against other employers.To examine particular line of battle of absenteeism and underlying the basis, employers should acquire and use data, for example, the management approach of an appropriate manager or an increase in workloads. This can also provide the evidence of how absenteeism impacts on the bottom line and why it value drop in an effective absenteeism management programme.HOW TO MEASURE TIME LOST?To evaluate absenteeism there are a n umber of different measures that can be used, each of which can gives information about the different aspects of absenteeism. Some of the factors are described as underLOST TIME enjoinLost time rate measurearticulate the percentage of the total time available which has been lost due to absenceTotal absence (hours or days) in the closex 100Possible total (hours or days) in the periodFor instance, if the total absence of the employees in the period is 155 person-hours and the total time available is 1,950 person-hours, the lost time rate will be155 x 100 = 7.95%1,950This can also be calculated separately for the individual departments of different groups of employees to uncover particular absence problems within an organisation.FREQUENCY RATEThe frequency rate method shows an average number of absences per employee, which is expressed as a percentage. This does not give any indication of the length or duration of each absence period, nor any indication of employees who take more tha n one spell of absence and it is calculated as underNo of spells of absence in the periodx 100No of employeesFor example, if an organisation employed on average 110 workers in one month, and during this time there were a total of 24 spells of absence, the frequency rate will be24x 100 = 21.82%110To find out the individual frequency rate, we have to count the number of workers who take at least one interval of absence in the period, rather than to total number of intervals of absence.BRADFORD FACTORThis method expresses the persistent short-term absence for individuals, by measuring the number of spells of absence, and is consequently a useful measure of the disruption caused by this type of absence. It is calculated using the formulaS x S x DS = number of spells of absence in 52 weeks interpreted by an individualD = number of days of absence in 52 weeks taken by that individualFor example10 one-day absences 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,0001 ten-day absence 1 x 1 x 10 = 105 two-day absences 5 x 5 x 10 = 2502 five-day absences 2 x 2 x 10 = 40The travel points will differ between organisations. The underlying causes will lack to be identified for all unofficial absence.ABSENCE POLICIESThe companies should have clear policies in place which backing their business objectives and culture and this is the first timber to managing absenteeism efficiently. Under the current legislation employers are undeniable to provide their staff with knowledge on any terms and conditions relating to inadequacy for work due to the sickness or injury, including any arrangement for sick pay. effectual absenteeism policies must spell out clearly employees rights and responsibilities when taking time off from work due to sickness or any other reason. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is Europes largest HR development professional person body which support and develop the management and development of people within organization, has explained that the following few fa cts are most considerable and the policies shouldProvide details of contractual sick pay terms and its relationship with statutory sick payOutline the process employees must follow if taking time off sick covering when and whom employees should notify if they are not able to attend workInclude when (after how many days) employees need a self-certificate formContain details of when they require a fit note from their doctor apologise that adjustments may be appropriate to assist the employee in returning to work as soon as is practicableMention that the organisation reserves the right to require employees to attend an examination by a company doctor and (with the workers consent) to request a report from the employees doctorInclude provisions for return-to-work interviews as these have been identified as the most effective intervention to manage short-term absence.14HOW TO MANAGE ABSENTEEISMBefore we converse how to manage absenteeism we look the types of absenteeism. There are many other reasons why people take time off from work. These can be categorised as underNon permitted absence or continuous latenessLong-term sickness absenceShort-term sickness absence (uncertificated, self-certificated, or covered by a doctors fit note which replaced the sick note from April 2010)Other authorised absencesfor example,annual leave maternity, paternity, adoption, or parental leave time off for public or trade union duties, or to care for dependents compassionate leave educational leave.Other than these above categories of absenteeism there are two main types of absenteeism, know as short term absenteeism and long term absenteeism. We discuss in detail how to manage these two main types of absenteeismMANAGING short-run ABSENCEShort term absence also known as absence interventions. The most effective interventions in managing short term absence include the followingsA proactive absence management policyReturn-to-work interviewsDisciplinary procedures for unacceptable abse nce levelsInvolving trained line managers in absence managementProviding sickness absence information to line managersRestricting sick payInvolving occupational health professionalsThe most common method which is currently being adopted by many organisations is return-to-work interviews which can help identify short-term absence problems at an early stage. These return-to-work interviews provide an opportunity to managers to start a dialogue with staff over underlying issues, which might be causing the absence.Tim Holden, the Managing Director ofFLUID, draws on more than 10 years experience as an award-winning recruiter and trainer. FLUID works with organisations to enhance their attractiveness to both current and future employees. Holden suggests thatThe use of corrective procedures for unacceptable absence may be used to make it clear to employees that unjustified absence will not be tolerated and that absence policies will be enforced.15According to CIPDs recent survey it has bee n revealed that, only 12% of organisations use attendance incentives or bonuses as a tool of absence management according to our latest absence survey. get out MANAGERS ROLETo control and reduce the causes of absenteeism, line managers have a substantial grapheme to play, either directly or indirectly. How managers behave is very important because it has a significant effect on employee health and comfort. Many recent researches show that line managers are the type of employees most likely to be reported as bullies within organisations. Management style within an organisation is also one of the chair causes of stress at work.In any organisations the managers need good communications skills to encourage employees so that they can feel free to discuss any problems they may have at an early stage so that they can be given support or advice by the managers before matters escalate. According to all the recent studies and surveys it is stated that despite of all the importance of line m anager/supervisor involvement, there are only 50% organisations are training their line managers to get the skills needed to do this effectively. The organisations should train their line managers to get the following skills to handle the absenteeism properly and they should have a good knowledge ofTheir companys absence policies and proceduresWhat is their graphic symbol in the absence management programmeHow to act upon any advice given by the doctor to the employee.All the related legal and disciplinary aspects of absence including potential disability discrimination issuesHow to maintain absence record-keeping and understanding facts and figures on absenceThe role of occupational health servicesThe proactive measures to support staff health and public assistanceOperation (where applicable) of trigger pointsDevelopment of return-to-work interview skillsDevelopment of counselling skills.MANAGING LONG-TERM ABSENCEThe current studies and researches on long term absence have shown that absence ofeight days or more give up about one thirdof total time lost through absence and absence of four weeks or more accounts for more than 15%. Consequently it is very vital that organisations have an approved dodging in place to help their employees to get back to work after a continuous period of sickness or injury-related absence. The knowledge of potential disability discrimination claims is also critical these days.THE ROLE OF LINE MANAGERSThe role and responsibilities of the line manager in the management of absence should be clearly defined. However, these days the role of line managers is paramount. It is the line managers responsibility to manager his or her departmental, or unit. Therefore it is his/her responsibility to see that these resources are used as effectively as possible. This means that levels of attendance should be good and absence kept to a minimum. The line managers should follow the companys approach to management style, organisation and alloca tion of work, as this will be a vital part of any strategy to control absence. In addition it is his/her responsibility to follow the company absence polices and procedures to staff.In addition, the line manager will be one of the main influences on an individuals view of the company attitude to absence. It is therefore important that the actions, and words of line manager support the companys position. victorious a difference stance on the management of absence, whether more strictly or leniently, will cause problems for the individual manager and for the organisation. Line managers must be able to rely on the support of elderly management for decision they take in line with the companys policy, their responsibilities are as underTo effectively develop and allocate workTo use an appropriate management styleTo ensure that all staff are adequately trained for their roleTo communicate the absence policy and procedures to all subordinatesTo apply policy and procedures in a consisten t and fair mannerTo deal with requests for prior approved absenceTo keep absolute and up-to-date records of absencesTo investigate reasons for unexplained absencesTo carry out return to work interviewsTo instigate disciplinary procedures, when requiredTo provide adequate feedback to senior managementTo ensure adequate personal development and training to be able to meet these responsibilities effectively.As we already discussed the role of line manager in managing the short-term absence, now we discuss the role of the line manager in managing long-term absence which is also crucial for managing long-term absence and other interventions are also important, which includeThe occupational health involvement and proactive measures to support staff health and wellbeingThe line management involvement as part of the absence management programmeRestricting sick payChanges to work patterns or environmentReturn-to-work interviewsRehabilitation programmeThere are also four typical components i n the recovery and return-to-work process, which are discussed as under care in contact with sick employeesThe line manager should ensure that a regular contact is maintain using both sensitive and non-intrusive approach with the employee and this should be agreed with the member of staff and manager and, also where appropriate, with the union or employee representative.Planning and undertaking workplace controls or adjustmentsThere can be some obstacles which may cause delay, interruption or difficulties to an employees return to work. A risk assessment can analyse measures or adjustm