Thursday, April 25, 2019

Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistics - Essay ExampleElse, it will have to have an mistake of (+ or -) $10 with a reduced confidence aim of only 67%. This shows that the estimate that could be obtained within the existing budget is not be sufficient to prepare accurate revenue forecasts. For fairly accurate revenue forecasts, accuracy in the survey of $10 error and a confidence train of 95% can be considered as adequate. For this, a minimum of 9,600 cardholders would have to be sampled. Therefore it is recommended to adjoin the budget to $48,000 that would give the above confidence level and error. If this is not feasible, refer to the below table which lists tout ensemble other possible ways forward.The next best alternative would be to upgrade the budget by $5,000 and gain a survey result with an error of (+ or -) $15 and a confidence level of 90%.If the confidence level expected is 98%, 98% of the distribution must lie between Z=2.3263 and Z=+ 2.3263 of the standard normal curve. (From the table Perce ntage points of the normal distribution. for p = 0.01, z=2.3263) p=

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